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Level up your figure skating jumps with Perform'Live expertise.

Perform'Live x Academie Performance Isatis

One part of the API theam with Arnaud
One part of the API theam with Arnaud

Video analysis is one of the best ways to learn about jump techniques. I was pleased to work with the Academie Performance Isatis ( A.P.I) skaters and team. They are based in Chambly, QC, Canada.

Marc-Andre Craig, the owner and founder of A.P.I, organized this workshop to offer a different approach to his skaters and his coaching team. It was a great exchange with lots of exciting discussions.

Video analysis on the ice with a figure skating in progress

We have collaborated with Marc-Andre for a moment. Figure skating consulting is one of my new services at Perform’Live. With the crazy improvement of smartphone technology, you can easily film a jump or a spin and send it for analysis. As a coach, information exchange is crucial to keep up. Our sport involved so much these last few years.

Arnaud Muccini and  Marc-Andre Craig
Arnaud Muccini and Marc-Andre Craig



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