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Mishin camp 2017 | Meet Carolina Kostner

Video feedback about the jump technique of Carolina Kostner, The 2014 Olympic Bronze medalist.

Perform’Live asked the Mishin Camp at Courchevel, France (15 -29th June 2017) to help Mishin’s best skaters achieve their full potential. Asked for the second year, I analyzed and compared the performance from the last summer camp edition. It allows seeing progress.


Perform’Live worked with Carolina Kostner, the Italian ice skater. She is the 2014 Olympic bronze medalist and the 2012 World champion. Under the supervision of Alexei Mishin, we analyzed all her jumps to fix her techniques.

March 2017

Advanced analysis with stromotion effect of triple flip by Carolina Kostner, Italy at the  ISU World Championships Free Skating 2017
Advanced analysis with stromotion effect of triple flip by Carolina Kostner, Italy at the ISU World Championships Free Skating 2017

June 2017

Advanced analysis with stromotion effect of triple flip by Carolina Kostner, Italy during the 2017 Mishin summer camp
Advanced analysis with stromotion effect of triple flip by Carolina Kostner, Italy during the 2017 Mishin summer camp


As you can see, Carolina improved her triple flip compared to the one she executed during the last World Championships at Helsinki, FinlandWorld championships at Helsinki, Finland.

Alexei is happy of Carolina with the work done by Perform'Live


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